Looking to start a career
in Real Estate?
Our values, culture, and the smart investments we make in our greatest assets: agents - set us apart from other real estate companies.
About Your Brokerage
Home Junction® is a data technology company specializing in researching and building high-quality geographic boundaries for neighborhoods, school attendance zones, parcels, subdivisions and more. We also compile dozens of relevant real estate data layers and use our collection of boundary and expansive data to build custom websites, data widgets, home values (AVM), and enterprise applications for agents, brokers, and other operators of residential real estate websites interested in improving their real estate search, user experience, and monetization of their existing traffic. We are the smart choice when it comes to real estate data companies.
For those business and enterprise customers with their own technology team, we offer direct white label licensing of our boundary and data products so that you can build your own user experiences. Need a bit of help? Use our data and geospatial experts to advise and guide your team in their efforts.
Reasons to Partner with Your Brokerage
Marketing Support
We offer a suite of tools and marketing materials to help our agents grow their business. The result: a highly trained, technologically sophisticated sales force.

Strength in Our Name
Your Brokerage - one of the most powerful names in the business.
Supportive Leadership
Our training and coaching programs provide quality education for both experienced and new real estate professionals.

Your Brokerage
Join us on the journey to success.